
The growth of the global economy and the environmental challenges facing the world have reinforced the importance of supporting long-term sustainable solutions. Priveq is convinced that in our ownership role we can make a difference and will invest in sustainability to continue to be involved in creating growth companies with future-proof business models.

At Priveq, we believe that no one can do everything, but everyone can do something. In our ownership role, we encourage all our portfolio companies to develop their own ESG strategy and have a model that aims to both minimize risk and take advantage of business opportunities. This is done by looking at the areas where the company has the greatest ability to influence and where they have an expectation that they will act. For some companies, this means reducing their climate impact, but it can also be to establish a more sustainable supply chain or, through innovation, develop products that solve their customers’ problems in the area of sustainability.

Priveq is a member of the industry organizations Invest Europe and SVCA (Swedish Venture Capital Association) and is committed to following their guidelines regarding ethics and codes of conduct. Priveq has also joined the Principles for Responsible Investments (UN PRI), a UN initiative to promote responsible investment.

Our work within ESG is fully described in our latest sustainability report.

Priveq’s sustainability priorities

Priveq has defined our priorities within sustainability by evaluating where we can do our largest impact and also where our stakeholders expect us to act. In the pyramid below these areas are prioritised and they are also linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. For each area Priveq has set long term goals and action plans. More information on this may be found in our Sustainability Report.

Active ownership and ESG implementation within portfolio companies
Promote diversity and gender equality in boards and network

Reduce climate impact
Integration of ESG in the investment process
Transparent ESG reporting, communication and tax reporting

Data security and integrity
A sustainable workplace
Anti-corruption and business integrity


– Active ownership and ESG implementation within portfolio companies
– Promote diversity and gender equality in boards and network


– Reduce climate impact
– Integration of ESG in the investment process
– Transparent ESG reporting, communication and tax reporting


– Data security and integrity
– A sustainable workplace
– Anti-corruption and business integrity

Priveq’s ESG Value Chain

The Investment Process

When evaluating a potential investment a negative ESG screening is made where we avoid industries associated with warfare, betting, tobacco, pornography, drugs, alcohol, and certain industries with high negative environmental impact. We also assess the company according to an ESG checklist where the industry and the company itself is evaluated. ESG due diligence is performed where external advisors are usually engaged. The results from the due diligence is included in the investment decision. Planned actions in the ESG area are decided depending on the company status.

The Period of Ownership

During our first months of ownership we focus on establishing compliance and steering documents covering ESG. The next step is to develop a company specific ESG strategy. Our aim is that the Company works systematically and proactively with ESG and integrates ESG into all parts of its business operations. Priveq assists during the process with internal and external expertise. All companies are categorised in our ESG road map according to ESG maturity. The road map is visualised in the picture to the right.

The Exit Process

In the exit process Priveq usually engages a reputable advisor to assist in finding a new ownership to the company. Priveq considers the portfolio company’s positive sustainability impact as a key selling point for potential investors. Governance policies and ESG strategies that have been put into place during Priveq´s ownership, such as implementation of a Code of Conduct and anti-corruption policy, are expected to increase the value of the company.

Priveq in Society

Priveq believes in supporting initiatives that focus on making environmental and social impact. We do this by engaging in long-term partnership with selected organisations that positively contribute to society through entrepreneurship, education and reduced climate impact. Some of them are presented below.

Zelmerlöw & Björkman Foundation

Zelmerlöw & Björkman Foundation (ZBF) empowers vulnerable youth in parts of Africa from one of isolation and poverty to employment and independence. They focus in particular on education for girls and young women who frequently are not only the most vulnerable but are also those with the most potential for a positive change that will also affect their families and communities. Priveq supports ZBF as a long-term partner.

ESG Award

Priveq has announced that we will introduce an award that will be given to the Priveq portfolio company who has made the most positive progress during the past year. Apart from the honour of receiving the price, the winner will receive a check to be handed to a charity or a non-profit organisation of free choice. The first winner was announced in spring 2022.

Trine is a crowd-funding initiative where private individuals may invest in small-scale solar energy projects. By providing loans to areas normally not covered by electricity networks, villages and societies get access to low-cost and low-CO2-impact electricity with the possibility to develop their standard of living.

In 2020 Priveq invested in solar energy projects in Africa. It aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goal number 13, Climate Action.

Documents and reporting

Sustainability report

Every year, Priveq collects sustainability data from all our portfolio companies. The data is then compiled and presented in an annual sustainability report. The report also describes Priveq’s sustainability work and our focus areas in more detail.

Sustainability Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)

Priveq undertakes to comply with the EU’s SFDR ((EU) 2019/2088) and is transparent regarding sustainability related information about our funds and our investment process.

At Priveq, sustainability is of high importance and our latest fund, Priveq Investment VII, is aligned with article 8 which means that we promote environmental and social characteristics. Fund V and VI are aligned with article 6.

Information on how sustainability risks are integrated in our investment decision process and our renumeration policy, and the account for main adverse sustainability effects (PAI) is described in the disclosures below.

Responsible Investment Policy

Through our value chain – from the investment process to exit – we work actively to include ESG as an integrated part of our work. The Responsible Investment Policy describes this work. PDF below.

Priveq’s Code of Conduct