Year of investment:
SEK 250m
Priveq Investment VI
Niklas Rönnbäck
+46 10 17 17 300
IMI is an international software development company within supply chain. By combining forces to untangle complex distribution challenges, IMI’s devoted and experienced team of experts develop and deliver scalable solutions that improve control, efficiency, and profitability across global supply chain operations. This in-house competence makes IMI an effective and flexible partner throughout the development journey for its clients in the fast-moving goods, retailing, wholesale distribution, and 3PL industries. With an astounding 99.9 % uptime, IMI’s supply chain systems expedite more than one billion order lines per year for 10,000 users across 200 warehouses.
IMI is headquartered in Linköping and has around 150 employees.
Members of the Board
Fredrik vom Hofe (Chairman of the Board), Johan Stakeberg, Senai Ayob, Louise Nilsson
Priveq team
Senai Ayob, Louise Nilsson, Daniel Nylund

For further information, please contact
Senai Ayob
Partner & Investment Manager
Telefon: +46 8 459 67 69
Mobil: +46 70 459 23 61
E-post: senai.ayob@priveq.se