Priveq has along with the other owners entered into an agreement to sell Omegapoint to FSN Capital. The deal marks the end of a strong collaboration characterized by growth and development.
Omegapoint is a Swedish niche IT services firm, specialising in cyber security and secure digital transformation with a market leading position in Sweden. The company has its headquarters in Stockholm and has more than 400 employees. The customers are found within sectors such as banking and finance, automotive, healthcare, media and retail.
During Priveq’s ownership period, Omegapoint has developed very well with a strengthened position in secure digitization and cyber security. As customers’ needs for Omegapoint’s services have grown, the company’s delivery model has been transformed and the good organic growth has been supplemented with four acquisitions that, among other things, have added niche competencies and geographical reach. During Priveq’s ownership period, Omegapoint has grown sales from just over SEK 300m to over SEK 500m with enhanced profitability.
Omegapoint has had a fantastic development during our ownership, driven by a strong competence culture, committed employees and a clear strategy. Priveq would like to thank all employees and co-owners for good collaboration. We are convinced that Omegapoint is well equipped to continue with FSN Capital towards their vision “A digital future where everyone has the courage to explore”, says Henrik Jatko, Partner and Investment Manager at Priveq.
The transaction is subject to approval from applicable authorities. Existing management and employees will re-invest alongside FSN Capital and continue to own material stakes in the company in the future.
”I want to thank Priveq for being by our side, supporting and challenging us over the years. We look forward to the next exciting and international step together with FSN”, Johan Malmliden, founder and CEO of Omegapoint, concludes.

For further information, please contact
Henrik Jatko
Partner & Investment Manager
Phone: +46 8 459 67 75
Mobile: +46 70 874 36 86